Pacey Beers Scholarship

Pacey Beers Scholarship

Pacey Beers was the founder of what is now known as the University Theatre. With O. Gayle Manion, Pacey helped co-found what was to become the Department of Communicating Arts. When this university was known as Superior State University, Pacey was the only drama teacher, director, and adviser to the drama club in the English Department. He worked to build the foundation for a theatre program that, as resources grew and more faculty arrived, became University Theatre. Pacey was one of the most generous contributors to this enterprise.

Pacey built social and artistic ties to the community at large. He was a literate, patient, loving, gregarious man who drew others to himself and to the department. He loved not only the theatre, but also music and the visual arts. He shared his love of grace, style, good food and wine, and good conversation with his colleagues, his students and the community.

Pacey was an excellent teacher and an exceptional adviser. He provided good counsel to students and colleagues in all areas of the department and most areas of the university. His affection for students endured beyond their graduation, and he remained in contact with many of them throughout their lives, providing a wonderful alumnus resource for both the university and University Theatre.

He was an energetic and spirited director of drama, opera and musical productions. The strong relationship between the Communicating Arts Department and the Department of Music was forged by Pacey and still endures. A Foundation scholarship in his name helps to foster this relationship.